St. Francis Assisi; Feastday October 4

Most people know Francis as a middle-ages ascetic who loved animals. The complete story is even more interesting.
He was born John Bernardone, the son of successful merchant Peter Bernardone. Peter made his living travelling to and from France, and importing their fine fabrics. The early sources say that Peter nicknamed his son "Francis" ("Frenchy"). Or perhaps John acquired the name because as a teen and adult, he liked to play the French instrument -- an early form of the guitar, and the subject of some ecclesiastical disapproval. ("These kids nowadays and their music!")
We read that in his youth, Francis used to organize parties for the upper-class kids. Whether he had any romantic involvements will never be known. An early liturgy honoring him as a saint stated that he "surpassed all the other young people in debauchery". A few years later, it was changed to say that "he was himself restrained by God's grace."
Two neighboring towns had a war and Francis was a P.O.W. for a year. This was the beginning of a new interest in religion. There are stories of mystical experiences, vigils, and finally a vision of a talking crucifix in an abandoned chapel: "Francis, rebuild my church." The young Francis took this literally, and started doing repairs on dilapidated, out-of-use chapels and raising money for materials by doing odd jobs and asking for donations.
Exactly what happened between Francis and his father will never be known, but Francis admitted stealing some cloth and selling it for building funds. During the hearing, Francis told his father he could have back everything he'd ever given him. He stripped naked, and said that he was a religious ascetic. The bishop, who was holding the hearing, gave him something to wear, and Francis went to live on his own. His father never accepted reconciliation, although his mother never broke with him.
Francis was mugged for the first time within a few hours. He worked for a while as kitchen help for the Benedictines, but ended up hiring himself as a day-laborer. On Saint Matthias's day, Francis heard the gospel lession, about being mendicant preachers of the Good News of Christ. He felt called to this, and began preaching as the way he was really supposed to "rebuild the church". Although he preached, he continued to support himself by working, and did not pass a collection during his sessions. He never became a priest, though eventually he was made deacon.Read more


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