Animal: Goat
Species: There are nine species of goat, including the subspecies that we know as the domesticated goat. The nine species of goat include the Alpine ibex, Spanish ibex, Nubian ibex, Siberian ibex, Walia ibex, West Caucasian tur, Wild goat, and the Markur.
Lifespan: Goats live to be 10-13 years old.
Size & Weight: The largest goat species is the Markhor. It stands 2-3.5 ft high, is 4-6 ft in length, and can weigh up to 240 lbs! The smallest breed of goat is a subspecies of the Domestic goat and is called the Nigerian dwarf goat. It maximim weight is 75 lbs and it is only 21 inches tall.
Habitat: Like most animals, depending on the species, goats can live in very different habitats. SOme goats live ont he rocky faces of mountains, while others prefer plains.
Diet: Goats eat leaves, grasses, branches and other plant life.
Family Life: Many goat species live in groups that consist of female goats and her young. The solitary male goats come around during mating season and fight each other to win over their desired mate