BUS DAY in Kochi

The celebrities in Kochi will avoid cars for the sake of buses on Saturday.
It is as a part of the Bus Day being observed by the Motor Vehicles Department in the district that prominent personalities like actor Dileep, Transport Minister Jose Thettayil, District Collector M Beena, Mayor Tony Chammany and Deputy Mayor Bhadra Satheesh are travelling by bus on the day.
All of them will travel by bus to the district collectorate where the District Collector will inaugurate the programme. The programme is aimed at promoting public transport system. Similar programmes will be organised in other cities in the state also.
The increasing numbers of cars and private vehicles has been contributing to the traffic congestion in Kochi city.
Moreover, the financial loss and pollution caused by them are also issues of serious concern. Promoting public transport system will be a solution to such issues. The officials, including RTO C G Michael, will attend the programme.


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