Ernestine Shepherd world’s oldest female bodybuilder

It may be possible that she may be grandmother but don’t call her old lady. Ernestine Shepherd one of the world’s oldest lady who crowned by the Guinness book of World records as the oldest aggressive female bodybuilders ever, she is 74 years old.
She said that her age is nothing but only numbers. Ms Shepherd has perfectly toned ‘six-pack’ abs and the miracle of her Baltimore fitness centre. Her husband Collin Shepherd who is 54 years old says guys feel afraid of her and stay away from her. Ms Shepherd does some modeling and teaches health classes. She is also trained the Yohnnie Shambouger which is ex-MR. Universe and also won the Gold medal in bodybuilding at the Pan American Games in 1995.
Mr. Shamnprtger said that her six pack signature is very famous, and when she was walking in the room, and you see her six pack you say, “Ohh! Okay!”
Ms Shepherd woke up very early at 3 AM every day to believe then hits the trials in a local park to run 10 miles before lunch.She eats to only blend chicken breast and vegetables, plain brown rice, washed down with glass of raw egg whites, three times a day, and she also says that “She has no wish for sweets.Over the past 18 years Ms Shepherd has run nine marathons and won two bodybuilding contests. She said that she wasn’t always so fit. Ms Shepherd says when she and her old sister, Mildred, discovered their bodies hard has started going soft.


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